Estate 2
This estate is located in the Lake Claire neighborhood of Atlanta and provided us with a unique challenge. Upon overlaying the 2015 plat with the 1928 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey of the City of Atlanta, we found that the site encapsulates that land what was once Lake Claire.
The client was the 2nd family to live in the current house on the property. The landscape surrounding the home is a dense old growth forest. The site was full of surprises including the discovery of remnants like the moss-covered stone walls and old mechanical pumps. The scope of the project was to develop a master plan and land management plan for the client’s four-acre property. The project included an analysis of the historical and existing conditions of the site. We implemented an environmentally friendly invasive plant removal tactics by utilizing a flock of sheep’s never-ending appetites for foliage. The majority of the design work associated with the project was the design of a trail network, butterfly gardens, an area for a kids clubhouse, and several creek crossings. It was my role to work as a project manager in coordination with a landscape architect to create a the site plans and details for the landscape.